Friday, March 19, 2010

Changes in Your Body during the Second Trimester


Such a long time I didn’t wrote any info / tip about pregnancy(due to tons of work at office... hehe the same excuse over and over again) 

So today I love to share some info that I just read from internet.. It’s about changes in body during 2nd trimester.. 

 Below are some of the most common physical manifestations as you approach the mid-point:
• Muscle aches and pains: 

Most women notice these primarily in their abdomen, thighs, groin, and back. This discomfort is a completely normal effect of your body stretching and expanding to accommodate your growing baby. These symptoms can be remedied with moderate exercise, pregnancy yoga, and daily stretching.
(Experience it already)
• Shortness of breath: 

You may notice that you become winded more easier after physical activity, such as climbing stairs or walking long distances.
(Truly right.. most of the time is during recite Quran)

• Changes in complexion:

 Many expectant moms find that their skin changes in appearance, for the better or the worse, during the second trimester. The luckier ones experience an improvement in their complexion, taking on what’s commonly known as the “pregnancy glow,” while others may be stricken with acne or splotchiness.

 (I don’t even notice the changes yet.. )

• Itching: 

This is usually due to tautness of the skin as it stretches to accommodate your growing baby. If you experience intense itching in tandem with vomiting, nausea, or loss of appetite, contact your obstetrician or midwife to rule out a potentially dangerous condition.

• Stretch marks: 

Some women begin to notice stretch marks in the abdomen area as their bellies expand. You can treat and prevent these by applying “belly balm” or other lotions designed to counteract stretch marks. 
(In this case me myself used bio oil & olive oil.. )

• Weight gain: 

Although every woman and every pregnancy is unique, average weight gain during the second trimester is one pound per week or 0.5kg per week.. 

For more info/tip do click here..


  1. selamat ber'eksperien'...nanti aku plak...doa-doakan yer...wey...gambaq kat atas tu ang p mana??obersi ek??

  2. tq tina.. doa ang join aku ni.. sempat lg kalu ank kita 1 skolah ni..

