Monday, April 19, 2010

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy..

Why do I get leg cramps?

Leg cramps are a common discomfort during pregnancy. It's unclear exactly what causes these bothersome muscle spasms, though a number of different factors may play a role. It could be a simple case of overwork: The added weight of pregnancy means your leg muscles have more to support.

Your growing baby and expanding abdomen also put extra pressure on your circulatory system, including the blood vessels that go to your legs. This can mean your leg muscles aren't getting enough blood -- a common cause of cramping. It's also possible for the baby's head to press on nerves that trigger leg cramps. Although the cause of leg cramps during pregnancy remains unclear, experts no longer believe calcium deficiency is the culprit. 

Leg cramps tend to get worse as your pregnancy progresses, especially at night. A charley horse in your calf can even wake you from a deep sleep. The good news is that a few simple steps can help you treat -- and prevent -- leg cramps.

What can I do to ease leg cramps?

During a leg cramp flex your toes towards your head and gently massage the affected muscle. An ice pack may also help relax a tense muscle. If pain or tenderness persists, a heating pad or a warm bath may bring relief. As the tension eases, try to straighten your leg as you flex your toes upwards. When you're able, stand up and walk around.

How can I prevent muscle spasms?

To stop leg cramps -- usually in your calf muscles -- from stealing your sleep at night, do a few gentle leg stretches before you turn in. Try this simple calf stretch:

1. Stand about arm's length from a wall; place your hands on the wall for support.

2. Keep your left knee slightly bent and move your right foot back a foot or two, keeping it flat on the floor.

3. Feel the stretch in your right calf as you lean forward. Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds, then switch legs to stretch your other calf.

Regular exercise -- including walking and swimming -- may also help keep cramps at bay. Remember to stretch your legs before and after any aerobic activity. Resist the urge to point your toes when you stretch or lie in bed -- doing so can trigger a cramp. Instead, flex your feet and lift your toes towards your knees. And avoid lying on your back, as this may decrease the circulation in your legs.

Drink plenty of water during the day; staying well-hydrated help muscles contract and relax properly. Resting with your legs elevated (up on a wall or propped on pillows), wearing support stockings, and keeping your legs warm (try a bath right before bedtime) may all help ward off muscle spasms.

Sometimes cramps can occur at night because a heavy comforter or blankets weigh down on a woman's upturned feet. To prevent this, lighten up on the blankets or lie on your side. It's something most pregnant women end up doing, anyway. 

An adequate supply of calcium is necessary to support your bones and muscles, along with those of your developing baby. It's smart to take a calcium supplement and include plenty of calcium-rich food in your diet. You need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. Dairy products are a good source -- three to four glasses of nonfat or low-fat milk do the trick. Nondairy sources of calcium include tofu, salmon, dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, or bok choy, and blackstrap molasses. Again, calcium in pregnancy is a good idea to supply calcium for the baby's growing bones.

There is some evidence that another mineral -- magnesium -- may help reduce leg muscle spasms. However, check with your doctor before taking any supplement during your pregnancy.

**Hope this info is usefull for everyone. My source from this link.

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