Monday, May 31, 2010

toNdangan / SePakan daRi daLam

Ni lah yg aku rasa start dr mgu ke 22.. (bermula dr tondangan manja.. memula bru nk blajar tondanglah katakan, tondangan setempat nama dia.. pastu dah terer ,blajar tondang mcm mesin gun tu.. skrg dah smp tahap aku terjerit kecil + rasa cem nk tershishi sbb senak.. sbb tondangan style bru ni tondangn menyeluruh gitew.. kenkadang smp senget peot aku…) ni bru minggu ke 26 yer.. mak ckp sok2 lg dasat..

Setiap kali ditondang aku mesti tekujat+senyum+ adoii aii.. hum sgt indah perasaan itew.. pernah skali aku xmelayan (sembang2 ), Cik bby Jr. merajuk.. tiada tondangan smp balik umah.. lega,bila kat umah cik bby sapa.. terus tondangan bermula.. bermula la rutin tekujat+senyum+ adoii aii..

Time bila aku rasa? Slalunya la…

* awl pg ( 5am – 6 am) time Cik Bby Jr. bgun 
* aku mengeliat Cik Bby Jr. join mengeliat 
* aku / Cik Bby Jr. lapar
* time aku smbg ngan Cik Bby / Cik Bby ada kat sblh (nk smbg ngan ayh dia gak)
* time bc Quran
*time Cik Bby bc Yassin
* posisi silap ketika duduk @ tdo (yakni menghimpit Cik Bby Jr.)
* pastu bermula dari maghrib bwk ke jam 11 mlm. Sgt ektip..

Hahaha..Bak kata Cik Bby, aku je yg dpt rasa cemna.. Dia takat rasa kat tas peot je.. 

Hari ni tondang manja2 jer.. Tau ibu dia xcihat.. huhu… Baik ank ibu neh.. 

Apa2 pn aku sgt bahagia dgn nikmat yg 1 ni walaupn kengkadang tondangan yg dilepaskan mcm nk tondang bola time penalty.. Uiiii Ya Allah…

Senyum.. Xsabar ni..

Friday, May 28, 2010

in LOVE..

im in love.. in love ngan JAMBU ni...  (wish my bby secomel ni besar nanti .. huhu..) 
haha.. marah cik bie nanti.. angkat JAMBU ni lebey2..
papa hal.. enjoy..  

Kebahagiaan Dalam Perpisahan

Tak perlu ucapkan sepatah kata
Kerana lantang terbaca dari muka
Kau dan aku sudah tiada keserasian di jiwa
Mungkin magisnya sudah hilang

Tak perlulah kita mencuba lagi
Betulkan kesilapan perhubungan ini
Bila setiap perbincangan menjadi perbalahan
Manakah agaknya cinta kasih?

Embun pun takkan mampu menyubur sekuntum
Bunga yang layu pada musim luruh
Yang dulunya mekar disinar suria
Bila sudah kering pasti akan gugur
Seperti cinta kita yang jelas ternyata
Semakin lama semakin rekah
Menimbulkan tanya apa mungkin kita
Temu kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan

Tiap titis airmata kau tangiskan
Ku dah cukup menampung selautan
Begitu lama ku pendam tapi hanya berdiam
Kerana cuba menafi realiti

muaturun di sini ; tq 4shared 

Lagu bonus.. i like.. 

Dannn... yang paling xleh blah.. (tetap i like) 


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Haloo suma.. 
Ptg tu.. balik ja dr kija (Agak penat yer & mood yg cem hapantah).. tetb cik bby pgl aku..ish napa pulak.. 

Cik Bby : Yg tgk tuching ni.. Bakpe ye tdo camtu..
Aku: Emm.. Mana.. (Nada cem tayik)
Cik Bby: Tu ha.. Dpn keta syg.. 
Aku: Woo.. (Nada yg sudah bertukar sambil gelak & almost terduduk).. Ni TB.. Loh pasai pa tdoq cemtu.. Hahaha.. Padan la ngan nama TB.. Bie tau dok TB tu apa?
Cik Bby: Apala???
Aku: Hahaha.. (Time ni mood dah jd ok skit) ngan slamber dot aku jln trus msk umh.. Malas nk jawab.. kang kena bebel..
Cik Bby: ?????


Ok suma.. ni TB.. Tuching acik selang 3-4 umah dr umah aku.. Adik aku yg bg nama.. Hahaha.. Tau TB tu hapa?? Mungkin sedikit lucazz namanya.. Sbb slalu tucing nama manja2 gituh..

TB = Teloq Besaq
Hahaha.. Ting tong..

p/s: sila ignore kawasan luar umh yg makin semak.. kami laki bini sepakat malas.. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

aku MERAPU...

Last week...
Dah nk msk 6 bln ni.. jd last week berjaya menghabiskan riban2 tuk brg bby.. (ibu & ayah nk yg terbaik tuk kamu yer…). Penat xterasa pn.. (riang bersoping2 tuk kamu.. ayah kamu lg cerewet dr ibu rupanya.. sabar ja lah..)

Sambil soping sambil cuti.. lama dah aku x cuti2 ni.. huhu.. best tgk pantai.. bilik hotel pulak ngadap laut.. tingkat 8 lg.. terrrbaikkkk.. mcm biasa.. no pic taken.. ( ekceli aku lebih slesa xberkongsi yg ni.. hehe.. pepaham lah..)

Back to work today.. lepas selang seli hari aku msk kija.. jap MC.. jap kija.. Jap MC.. jap kija.. jgn wisau.. bby ok.. smlm scan dia senyum kat aku.. huhu.. comel..

Plasenta previa yg konon2 xkan ok (jaga kau misi hani) dah ok dah.. normal.. huhh.. (aku saman jugak kau misi hani.. sesuka hati takut2kn aku.. sbb tu ko jd misi.. xjd doktot.. geram2..).. Edema xok lg.. HB pn sama.. xpa.. slow2 get better.. dah kurang mkn benda merapu.. lebey sayur hijau.. lebih kalsium.. lebih iron.. huh.. pasni lebih lg la berat aku.. (tp xpa.. tuk anak ibu gak kn..)

Ok.. dah pukul 1.. aku pn xtau apa yg aku merepek lg merapu ni.. xbes langsung.. cik bie pn dah tunggu kat bwh.. boley balik dah.. kan ari ni half day..

tata.. titi.. tutu…

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Edema: Swelling During Pregnancy

Source: Baby Center 

Why are my ankles and feet so swollen?

What you're experiencing is edema — that's when excess fluid collects in your tissue. It's normal to have a certain amount of swelling during pregnancy because you're retaining more water. Changes in your blood chemistry also cause some fluid to shift into your tissue.

In addition, your growing uterus puts pressure on your pelvic veins and your vena cava (the large vein on the right side of the body that carries blood from your lower limbs back to the heart). The pressure slows the return of blood from your legs, causing it to pool, which forces fluid from your veins into the tissues of your feet and ankles.

Edema is most often an issue during the third trimester, particularly at the end of the day. It may be worse during the summer.

You can help relieve the increased pressure on your veins by lying on your side. Since the vena cava is on the right side of your body, left-sided rest works best.

After you have your baby, the swelling will disappear fairly rapidly as your body eliminates the excess fluid. You may find yourself urinating frequently and sweating a lot in the first days after childbirth.

When should I be concerned about swelling?

A certain amount of edema is normal in the ankles and feet during pregnancy. You may also have some mild swelling in your hands.

Call your midwife or doctor if you notice swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, or excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles. This could be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition.

Also call your caregiver if you notice that one leg is significantly more swollen than the other, especially if you have any pain or tenderness in your calf or thigh.

What can I do to minimize the puffiness?

Here are a few tips:

• Put your feet up whenever possible. At work, it helps to keep a stool or pile of books under your desk. At home, lie on your left side when possible.

• Don't cross your legs or ankles while sitting.

• Stretch your legs frequently while sitting: Stretch your leg out, heel first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles. Rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes.

• Take regular breaks from sitting or standing. A short walk every so often will help keep your blood circulating.

• Wear comfortable shoes that stretch to accommodate the swelling.

• Don't wear socks or stockings that have tight bands around the ankles or calves.

• Try waist-high maternity support stockings. Put them on before you get out of bed in the morning so blood doesn't have a chance to pool around your ankles.

• Drink plenty of water. Surprisingly, this helps your body retain less water.

• Exercise regularly, especially by walking, swimming, or riding an exercise bike. Or try a water aerobics class — immersion in water may temporarily help reduce swelling, particularly if the water level is up near your shoulders.

• Eat well, and avoid junk food.

Try not to let pregnancy swelling get you down. The sight of your swollen ankles will probably add to your feeling of ungainliness, but edema is a temporary condition that will pass soon after you give birth.